The purpose of the Foundation is laid down in its articles of association. This reads as follows:
1. The purpose of the foundation is:
a. Providing assistance to the homeless, children, young people, the elderly, orphans, victims of disasters and other needy in the Netherlands and the world.
b. preaching the gospel; and furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related to this or can be conducive to this, all in the broadest sense of the word.
2. The foundation tries to achieve its goal by, among other things:
a. Collaboration with other Celestial churches of Christ in the world;
b. Setting up parishes; c. The performance of all that with the foregoing - taken in the broadest sense - is related to or may be conducive thereto.
3. The foundation does not aim to make a profit. Every business operation is subject to the foundation strange. The foundation does not compete with one or more companies, nor with one or more institutions.